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Research Profile |
Nutritional Consequences of Processing Foods in an Industrial Scale - Studied in
an international perspective
Research projects (In reverse chronological order)
Development of a network for research on fermented foods in South Asia
Impact of agricultural research programs on the living conditions of the people
in three communities in Bolivia.
Development of collaborative research programs for technical university of
Sustainable utilization of salviniaauriculata for food, food and fuel
Fermentation as a food processing method--Technology, nutrition & food safety
ß-Oxalyl Di-amino propionic acid (ß-ODAP) in grass Pea (LathyrusSativus) seeds
Evaluation of the nutritional quality of the seeds of CanavaliaGladiata
Production of edible protein concentrate from DyanthusCaryophyllus leaves
Development of a process for production of an infant food from Quinoa
Development of a process for production of a beverage from peanuts
Water soluble non-starch polysaccharides from cereals
Scalding of rye flour for bread making
Immuno-chemical determination of water-soluble pentosans in rye grains
Binding of mineral elements to dietary fibre components
Maillard reaction in food products during processing
Enzymatic hydrolysis of food proteins for amino acid analysis
Gas Liquid Chromatographic determination of amino acid composition
Coagulation of concentrated milk for cheese production and whey expulsion