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List of Articles
The following ten articles published in international scientific journals may
give an idea of the nature and quality of my earlier work. The first two (1, 2,)
articles are taken from my own production as a post graduate student. Next one
(3) is taken from my production as a research associate at the department. The
last seven are selected from my work as a supervisor of postgraduate work done
by my postgraduate students
Baboo M Nair, Rickard Öste, N-G Asp and Arne Dahlqvist.
Enzymatic hydrolysis of food proteins for amino acid analysis.I. Solubilization
of the protein. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 24-2, (1976) 386.
Baboo M Nair & Ingrid Andersson.
Quantitative and qualitative evaluations of protein intake in a geriatric
subpopulation from a southern Swedish community. American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition 31:July 1978, 1280-89.
Baboo M Nair, N-G Asp, M Nyman & H Persson.
A Binding of mineral elements by some dietary fibre components - in vitro (I).
Food Chemistry 23 (1987) 295-303.
T. Valdimarsdottir, C Glad & Baboo M Nair.
A sandwich inhibition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of water soluble
pentosans in rye grain. Food Chemistry 32 (1989) 81-97.
Urban Girhammar and Baboo M. Nair
Certain physical properties of water soluble non-starch polysaccharides from
wheat, rye, triticale, barley and oats. Food Hydrocolloids 6-4 (1992) 329-434.
Jenny Ruales, Silvia Valencia, and Baboo M. Nair
Effect of processing on the physico-chemical characteristics of Quinoa flour
(Chenopodium Quinoa, Willd).Starch/Särke 45 (1993) Nr 1 S13-19.
Ismail Y. S. Rustom, Miguel Lopez-Leiva& Baboo M. Nair
Effect of PH and heat treatment on the mutagenic activity of peanut beverage
contaminated with aflatoxin B1. Food Chemistry 46 (1993) 37-42
I. Y. S. Rustom, Miguel Lopez-Leiva& Baboo. M. Nair.
Nutritional, Sensory and Physico chemical properties of peanut beverage
strilised under two different UHT conditions. Food Chemistry 56 (1996) 45-53.
Girmaakalu, Gillis Johansson & Baboo M. Nair
Effect of processing on the content of -N-Oxalyl--Diamino Propionic acid
(-ODAP) in Grass Pea
(Lathyrussativus) Seeds & Flour as determined by flow injection analysis. Food
Chemistry 62-2(1998) 233-237